All Common House Plants For Sale Online

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Our indoor house plants for sale are the best way to bring your garden indoors and spruce up boring spaces. With the promise of colorful blooms and green foliage that lasts all year long, it's not hard to see why indoor house plants are becoming so trendy!

Our wide selection includes some of the best indoor house plants for sale to keep in

houseplants by a window

your bedroom, home office, bathroom, or more. In warmer climates, some tropical houseplants can be kept outdoors on a patio or porch. When winter temperatures become colder, you will need to move your plants indoors where the houseplants will be safe.

There are many health benefits of indoor plants in your home including fighting air toxins, reducing stress, and boosting mood and productivity. Choose from our selection of new unique houseplants for sale to brighten your life today!

As always, check out our Indoor House Plant Care Guide and Fiddle Leaf Fig Grow Guide for more specific information on growing house plants.

Shop indoor house plants for sale!

Best Houseplants for Beginners

The best houseplants for sale we have for beginners are low maintenance indoor house plants that are easy to care for and hard to kill. We have many easy to care for indoor house plants, including the ZZ Plant, Monstera, Aloe VeraPeace Lily, Palm Trees, and Snake Plants

What are Some Houseplants That Don't Need Sun?

Low light houseplants are perfect for homes, dorms, or apartments that don’t get enough light. Some of our favorite low light houseplants include the snake plant, ZZ plant, peace lily, and money tree.

House Plant Care

Indoor house plants can be easy to care for as long as they are in a warm environment with some air circulation. Almost all common houseplants thrive in temperatures of around 55ºF and dislike cold drafts.  

houseplants on a shelf

Best Houseplant Fertilizer & How to Fertilize House Plants

We recommend using liquid fertilizer for house plants, but we think the best fertilizer

close up watering houseplants

for house plants is an all purpose slow release fertilizer that will release nutrients into the plant after each watering. A well draining soil such as succulent or cacti soil is also ideal to prevent root rot.

If you prefer using liquid fertilizers, our Liquid Fertilizer for Indoor Plants is a great choice!

How Often to Water House Plants

Each houseplant has different watering requirements, but for most a good rule of thumb is once a week. With most common house plants, you should water when the soil feels dry to the touch. You can use a moisture meter to use your finger to feel the moisture of the soil. Try to use room temperature water when watering indoor house plants. Don’t let indoor house plants sit in water as it can cause root rot.

How to Prune Houseplants

pruning house plant close up

The best time to prune most plants is in the spring when there will be plenty of light to fuel recovery and new growth. Pruning houseplants isn’t the same as pruning outdoor plants. When pruning your indoor plants you will want to take away any unappealing foliage and shape your plant the way you would like it. Once you’ve done this you’re done! To prune a plant to encourage bushy new growth, snip off the dominant buds on select stems, staggering the cuts to encourage varied growth. Trim some branches back by a quarter, others by a half, and still others all the way back to their base.

How to Pot Houseplants

When repotting houseplants you want to make sure the pot that you size up to is 2 times larger or more than your current pot. Next, add a layer of new well-draining soil at the bottom of the pot. Add in your plant and fill in until the root ball is covered.

How to Grow Houseplants

repotting a house plant

Potting indoor houseplants is easy. Plants typically need to be repotted every 12 to 18 months, depending on how actively they are growing. When growing houseplants you want to make sure you choose to grow your plant in well-draining soil with a pot that has drainage holes. Potting soil choice is important too! Choose well draining potting soil such as Perfect Plants Organic Potting Mix so you have good aeration and extra nutrients to give your indoor plants the boost they need. After adding the new potting mix, even out the potting soil on top and water well! It's worth noting that a freshly repotted plant does not need to be fed fertilizer. You will also want to make sure that you provide your houseplant with the correct light conditions.

Where to Put House Plants in the House?

The best place to put your houseplant is in an area that has great lighting. Great areas in your home include your bedroom, kitchen, living room, and bathroom. Most houseplants prefer bright, but indirect light, like from an east-facing window. South and west windows work well, too, as long as the intense rays of the sun don't hit a plant's leaves directly, especially in the summer. Keep away from drafty vents or fans as this is not the best for your new house plants. We do have a few options for low light house plants for sale too.

How to Get Rid of Gnats in Houseplants?

If you are having the annoying problem of gnats in your indoor plants don’t worry because we have ways to get rid of them. One is to grab a neon colored plate and put honey or a sweet yet sticky substance on it and place them near or in your plants (glue a popsicle stick and place it in soil). Your next option is to buy products at the store that are meant for getting rid of gnats in your home such as sticky traps, bug bombs, etc.

What Houseplants are Toxic to Cats and Dogs?

While houseplants offer a beautiful aesthetic, some of them can be toxic to pets. Some of the most common houseplants that are also dangerous for your pets are lilies, philodendron, and aloe vera plants. If you’re planning to get a new houseplant to decorate with, be sure to find out if your pet will be safe around it first.

Do Houseplants Produce Pollen?

Technically any houseplant that produces flowers can also release trace amounts of pollen as well. For most houseplants, this value is extremely negligible. However, if you have a pollen allergy, it’s best to avoid plants like lilies, orchids, and daisies. Instead, choose a houseplant that won’t have any flowers blooming from it.

What is the easiest houseplant to take care of?

Most houseplants are not particularly difficult to care for as long as you place them in an area with some sunshine and can remember to water them at the correct interval. However, a few of the lowest maintenance houseplants include aloe vera, snake plants, and pothos plants. These plants only need to be watered once every week to once a month, depending on the species. 

Have a question about our house plants for sale? Contact us or browse the best houseplants at Perfect Plants today.

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