Buy Dorsett Golden Apple Tree Online
Sweet & Juicy Apple Variety for Home Gardeners
The Dorsett Golden apple tree cultivar is a wonderful variety, especially as a pollinator for other apple trees. The Dorsett apple is an early-season fruit bearer and is most likely the offspring of the Golden Delicious cultivar. This young tree was brought into the United States from the Bahamas and integrated into apple varieties by the University of Florida.
This apple tree is exceptionally well-adapted to warmer climates and requires a low number of chill hours to bloom. The summer-bearing fruit tree is an excellent choice for orchardists and home gardeners.
The golden apple fruit is golden yellow with hints of scarlet, and the apples are flavorfully sweet, crisp, and juicy. The medium to large sized apples can ripen as early as June, with additional harvests possible through fall in warmer climates.
It has dark green leaves and a light pink flower that appears in early spring before fruiting. They are a favorite apple tree among apple orchard farmers for their easy care and maintenance. This variety of apple tree is widely planted across the United States.
Dorsett Golden Apple Tree Height
A fully matured Dorsett Golden apple tree will grow between 10 and 20 feet at full height, with a width of 10 to 15 feet. This makes it a perfect small fruit tree for backyard enthusiasts with limited space. They work great planted around your patio. The Dorsett is considered a semi-dwarf apple tree.
Golden Dorsett Apple Tree Pollination
A Golden Dorsett apple tree is partially self fertile. This means that you don’t need other trees to pollinate, but you’ll get a much larger, tastier crop if cross-pollinated by another apple tree such as the Anna Apple tree. Golden Dorsett apple trees are also a great choice for southern states because of their low chilling requirement of 100 chill hours.
What does a Golden Dorsett apple taste like?
These fresh eating apples have a sweet flavor like candy but have firm flesh! If you’re a fan of the “Golden Delicious apple,” then the Golden Dorsett apple will have a familiar taste. Use these apples for golden apple pies, fritters, cobblers or any other apple dessert or pastry. Like all apples, Golden Dorsetts will go bad after a few weeks, so be sure to freeze them or eat them quickly!
Where to Plant Your Golden Dorsett Apple Tree Bought Online
The tree prefers full sun because areas that receive shade for more than half of the day are unsuitable for apple production. Choose your planting location wisely. It is easy to plant once you pick the desired location. The Dorsett Golden tree produces fruit as early as a year after planting.
The Dorsett apple tree thrives in most soils in the Southern states as long as the area is well-drained soil. Grows easily in USDA growing zones 5-9. Be sure to water thoroughly the first year to establish a strong root system. Please note, we ship these sweet apples rooted in a pot in soil, not bare root trees. Golden Dorsett apple trees will also benefit from adding a slow-release fertilizer at the top of the root ball annually. It is incredibly pest and disease resistant. Growing your own apple tree is easy!
Shop the dwarf Dorsett Golden Apple Tree for sale. Can ship on the same business day as the order is placed!
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Full Sun
Foliage Color
Flower Color
Light pink
Mature Width
10-15 ft
Mature Height
10-20 ft
Growing Zones 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

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Perfect Plants Nursery
Hi there, Thank you for taking the time to leave us a review on our Dorsett Golden Apple tree and showing our family-owned business support. If there is anything else we can do to help, please let us know. Best, Shirley
Everything exceeded my expectations.
Perfect Plants Nursery
Hi Mark, We're happy to hear that everything exceeded your expectations. Thank you so much for the review and the purchase of our Dorsett Golden Apple Tree. We look forward to your continued support.
My dorsett apple tree arrived with baby apples!
Perfect Plants Nursery
Hi! We are happy to hear how well everything went with your Dorsett Golden Apple Tree order. Happy harvesting.