Perennial Plants for Sale Online

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Quick Guide To Choosing Perennial Plants Bought Online

Perennial plants can be the greatest thing growing in your garden. They come back year after year, typically require little effort, and can fill out a space with color, foliage, and a unique design. Are you interested in less work and more plants? Perennial plants are for you!

A perennial will live for many years and won’t need to be replanted every spring. When looking over the vast number of perennials available, you might be concerned about choosing the right plants or if they will thrive in your space. The world of perennial plants can be expansive and confusing, so let’s shrink it down a little. 

What Are the Best Perennial Plants to Buy?

A perennial plant is one whose life cycle is longer than two years. In other words, they can grow in your garden or yard for many years. A tree is a perennial plant, although we don’t think of them that way. So is a rose bush, a clump of ornamental grass, or a daylily. Below we’ll describe some of our favorite shrubs & hedges

Ornamental Grasses 

Arguably some of many landscapers’ most popular choices for planting. Choosing between the warm and cool season grasses to help your landscape look its best all year long. 


Daylilies are an iconic perennial! Boasting gorgeous colorful blooms during spring and summer and making flower gardens look unique and sophisticated. 

Liriope Shrubs

Liriope are great contenders for borders, shade gardens, or even containers. Their classic green foliage will also puff beautiful lilac-purple flowers in spring and summer to add to their flare. 

Hosta Shrubs

Hostas are a popular shrub to grow in northern climates where their delicate leaves can be admired and cherished. 

Hibiscus Shrubs

Wanting to add a tropical look to your garden? Hibiscus is a great option for southern growers and northern growers alike. If you live in an area with cooler winter temperatures, it’s best to grow these flowers in pots and move indoors for winter. 

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Ornamental Shrubs

Jazz up your flower beds or container gardens with ornamentals like Liriope, hostas, grasses, and more. Ornamental shrubs are grown for their ability to beautify via flowers and foliage. 

Shrubs for Shade

Hostas and some grasses will do well in shade gardens. Hostas are one perennial that requires full to partial shade to thrive. A garden bed under a large tree will do wonders for your hosta shrubs.

Shrubs for Full Sun

If any of your shrubs flower, they will appreciate the sunshine to boost their flower growth & keep things looking vibrant. Daylilies, butterfly bushes, and liriope — we’re looking at you!

Ground Covers

Needing to cover a big space in the garden with little to no maintenance? Liriope is our #1 choice for groundcovers.

How to Order a Perennial Plant

Your perennials will be around to be enjoyed for a long time, so it is worth putting some thought into your garden selections and design. While they can be dug up and moved later, a little forethought goes a long way. Consider these points and tips when choosing your perennial plants.

Can You Plant Perennials In Pots?

Yes! Not everyone has time to tend an entire garden, so planting perennials in a container is a great way to enjoy plants without as much hassle. Many perennial plants will survive and even thrive in pots. Perennials that prefer well drained soil will do especially well as a potted plant. Look for plants that will “overwinter” better than others, meaning that they can be brought inside to shelter from the snow and cold. 

One benefit of perennials is that they can be planted at just about any time of the year. Still, there are some benefits to planting in the spring. With the warmer weather, your plants will have more time to establish a deep root system. The warm sun and frequent rainfall will help them get nutrients and brace for a blustery winter.

Sleep, Creep, Leap 

Perennials typically grow slowly during their first year–sleep. Then they pick up the pace in their second year–creep. Then finally, they seem to take off in the third growing season–leap. Keep their mature size in mind when designing your garden beds and figuring out how many plants you need. Perennial plants are often small when purchased, but they won’t stay that way.

While waiting for perennials to fill the space, consider planting annuals between them. Annuals can be an inexpensive option to bring color and ‘fullness’ to the garden bed while waiting for your perennials to hit their stride.

Vary the Textures, Shapes, and Colors

Perennial grasses, flowering shrubs, foliage plants, and flowers can all be combined to create stunning displays. Take notes of perennial plant arrangements you like when visiting botanical gardens, parks, and even restaurants and shops. 

Sketch out a design with colored pencils. Take the time to find an arrangement that pleases you. 

Consider Sunlight Needs, Moisture, and Soil 

Like other plants, perennials will be classified by their liking or dislike of sunshine. Hostas are shade-loving perennial plants that will detest being planted in full sun. 

Dwarf pink Muhly grass is well suited for dry sites but won’t tolerate having wet feet. 

Some perennials don’t mind poor soil, while others need rich, fertile sites. 

Check the tag or website to see what zones are recommended, and then check the USDA map if you need clarification on your location. Enter your address or where your perennial will be planted if given as a gift to ensure the plant is suited for the local climate. 

Draft a plan, do a little shopping with us, and watch your yard transform into a beautiful, perennial plant oasis. Shop from dozens of perennial plants for sale at Perfect Plants to create a lasting garden arrangement.

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