Jasmine Plants for Sale Online

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Shop Our Selection of Fragrant Jasmine Plants for Sale

With a sweet fragrance, beautiful white and cream-colored flowers by the hundreds, and easy to take care of, jasmine vine plants are widespread across the South and make an excellent addition to your home’s outdoor living spaces.

Types of Jasmine Plants

While true jasmines belong to the genus Jasminum, the popular Star Jasmine and Asiatic Jasmine belong to the genus Trachelospermum in the Apocynaceae family.

Common names for T. jasminoides include Star Jasmine and Southern Jasmine and it is one of the best smelling jasmine plants out there!

Climbing Jasmine Plant Care

Jasmines are easy to care for perennials. Follow these tips for healthy and vigorous plants.

Jasmine Plant Sun Requirements

Jasmines like full sun or partial shade. Faster growth will occur in locations where the plants receive at least six hours of sunlight. They will tolerate partial shade, but don’t plant them in a very shady spot.

Jasmine Watering Needs

Jasmine needs well-drained soil but will need regular watering until the plant is established and during dry spells. 

Take care not to overwater. Constantly wet soil is likely to kill the plant. Overwatering may show symptoms of yellowing leaves on the tender new growth. Older growth will likely not show any change.

Jasmine Plant Fertilizer Needs

Flowering jasmine plants, once established, can be fertilized once per week with a general-purpose fertilizer if the soil is not sufficiently fertile. Avoid fertilizers with high nitrogen content, which will encourage vegetative growth but inhibit blooming.

Our Liquid Jasmine Fertilizer is a great option!

Jasmine Plant Zones

Jasmines are native to warm climates, and most will not tolerate much colder than USDA Hardiness zone 7 or 8. 

How & When to Plant Jasmine

Plant your containerized stock in the same manner as other plants from a nursery. Plant in the spring to allow new root growth before winter dormancy.

  1. Dig a hole 2-3 times as wide as the root ball, but no deeper than the root ball is tall.
  2.  Loosen the soil along the sides. 
  3. An inch or two deep layers of compost can be added to the bottom of the hole if desired. No fertilizer is necessary at the time of planting. 
  4. Place the jasmine plant in the hole and position it so the top of the container soil will be level with the surrounding soil when the soil is replaced. 
  5. Backfill the hole with the native soil and tamp firmly to ensure no air pockets are around the roots. 
  6. If your jasmine was rootbound when you removed it from the pot, lightly score the root ball and prune any girdling roots.

Where to Plant Jasmine Outside in the Landscape

While jasmine will grow as a stunning ground cover, most gardeners want to take advantage of its ability to climb and sprawl over an arbor, fence, or trellis. 

Jasmine enjoys full sun and a warm spot. Make a stunning entrance to your home with an arbor of sweet-smelling jasmine by the front door. Let it crawl over the pergola and make fragrant dappled shade for your back patio or deck.

When starting, you may need to help your jasmine climb by gently tying new shoots to the structure until they can support themselves.

Jasmine Companion Plants

If planting a climbing variety of jasmine, selecting other plants with the same habit can make a striking multi-color display. Clematis vines work very well as companions for jasmine. 

Jasmines grown as ground cover work well with a visual contrast to break up the sea of greenery. We recommend something colorful like daylilies, loropetalum, or butterfly bushes

Ensure that the plants you choose have the same sun and watering needs as your jasmine. 

How to Care for Jasmine Plants

Jasmine Plants In-ground vs. Jasmine Plants in Pots

Star Jasmine can be grown in pots as well as in the ground. Select a large container and locate it near a trellis or arbor if planting jasmine in a container. The weight of soil in a larger pot will help to anchor your plant and keep it from tipping over in a high wind.

You will need to water and fertilize more often. The soil in containers dries out more quickly, and soil nutrients are leached out faster due to watering more often.

Check out our blog on How to Care for Confederate Jasmine.

Growing Jasmine as Ground Cover Plants

Jasmines, particularly Asiatic Jasmine, can be grown as spectacular ground covers. They will readily spread and create a lush green, woodsy look. Take care to keep the weeds out by using mulch or landscaping fabric. Read more on How to Mass Plant Ground Covers

How to Prune a Jasmine Plant

Flowering jasmine plants should be pruned in the fall or winter when the plant is dormant. Pruning in the spring or summer can remove new growth, where the flowers develop. 

Annual pruning after flowering is over can help keep jasmine within its allotted space and help to keep some flowers lower down where you can enjoy them.

Are Jasmine Plants Toxic to Cats or Dogs?

Jasmine plants are not listed as toxic to dogs or cats. However, if your dog has decided to graze on your jasmine plants like a goat, some discomfort may result, just like when they eat grass.

Buy Jasmine Plants online from Perfect Plants today!

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