Flowering Trees for Sale Online

60 products

60 products

Flowering trees can be a staple piece in any garden, lawn, or landscape. They offer a pop of colorful flowers usually in early spring but there are a few exceptions to summer and fall blooming trees and trees with gorgeous fall foliage. Some flowering trees may even act as a focal point in your front yard, although they can be planted wherever your heart desires.

Some flowering trees have a single trunk that grows as a central leader until full maturity while others have a multi stemmed trunk that cascades into several mature branches when the tree starts growing.

There are many benefits to planting flowering trees in your landscape. The two most important factors are: Flowering trees add beauty and they increase home value! Most of these are small trees that can fit in a multitude of planting spots. There are some exceptions to flowering trees that grow to be much larger so be sure to check the sizes before purchasing your new tree.

These are the most popular flowering trees for sale on the market. These trees are selected for their mature height and width, planting condition preference, and USDA plant hardiness zones. Another factor to consider is which bloom color do you prefer?

Magnolia flowering trees are a classic take on flowering trees and for good reason! They have a unique beauty that is known by many and gorgeous flowers that bloom in the springtime. We have a large selection of flowering Southern Magnolias as well as deciduous magnolias. The colors can range from white to pink to purple as their goblet-like flowers begin to open. Our Magnolia Grow Guide can lead you in the right direction to choose the best flowering magnolia tree.

Crape Myrtles are great if you are looking for a summer flowering tree! They add a burst of color in early summer and continue the bloom cycle until fall. These fast growing flowering trees are a staple in the South and can be commonly found near roadways and sidewalks. There are several colors of crape myrtle trees to choose from as well as sizes. Check out the Crape Myrtle Grow Guide for more info on these beautiful flowering trees.

Dogwood flowering trees are one of the most common trees planted across the United States. We offer two distinct colors for these spring flowering trees. The pink dogwood and white dogwood are equally as beautiful.

Dogwood trees and Redbud trees are native to the USA and allow the preservation of a natural landscape to continue. They are great choices to invite wildlife and birds into your yard that have enjoyed these trees for thousands of years.

Check out our Top 5 Early Spring Flowering Trees for our favorite spring blooming trees.

Shop our flowering trees for sale -- crape myrtles, dogwoods, and magnolia trees for sale. As well as all the other showy flowering trees in between. Who doesn't love flowers?

Flowering Tree Care

How to Plant Flowering Trees

When planting a flowering tree you will want to know its light conditions and water conditions. Once you know this and you have a planting site you will want to dig a hole twice the size of the root ball of the plant. From here fill the hole with new well-draining soil and place your tree in the hole. Next, backfill the hole with soil and make sure your tree is level with the ground. Give your plant a deep watering after planting and every day for the first month of planting to ensure your tree becomes established.

When to Plant Flowering Trees

The best time to plant flowering trees is in early spring or fall. These times provide great weather and soil conditions, perfect for helping your plant become established with very little transplant shock. 

Best Fertilizer for Flowering Trees

The best fertilizer for flowering trees is an all purpose slow release fertilizer. Just add the fertilizer on top of the soil and every time you water your tree or it rains, nutrients will seep into the soil giving your plant the nutrients it needs to thrive. 

When to Fertilize Flowering Trees

The best time to fertilize flowering trees is in the early spring right before the growing season to give them a boost.

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