Knock Out® Roses for Sale Online

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Buy Knock Out Rose Bushes Online from Perfect Plants

Knock Out Rose bushes are beloved plants grown by many people for their low maintenance qualities, exceptional pest and disease resistance, and low spreading habit. Planted by gardeners all over the world for their gorgeous blooms and tantalizing scent. 

KnockOut Rose bushes can be seen growing in garden beds, as borders, or even as

watering white rose bushes

container plants. These amazing roses have continuous bloom cycles that start in the early spring and go through fall or even the first frost. Our selection of Knock Out® Roses for sale includes single and double KnockOut rose bushes. We have a variety of colors to choose from to give your garden a burst of colorful flowers.

KnockOut rose bushes are exceptionally cold hardy and can be grown across most of the United States. Full sun to partial shade is best for these hardy shrubs. These rose bushes can be pruned into small trees. Learn how to plant a rose bush.

Our Knock Out® Roses will provide your landscape with prolific blooms and color for months at a time!

Shop Knockout Roses for sale.

One of the most popular KnockOut roses we offer is the Pink Double Knock Out® Rose Bush

What KnockOut Rose Colors Can You Buy Online?

We offer the highest quality drift rose plants in several different colors. Give your garden a burst of colorful flowers as Knock Out Roses come in fabulous colors including red, pink, blush pink (blushing), yellow (sunny), and white. Find the right color rose for your home and garden today!

different color roses, pink. white. blush. yellow

When Do KnockOut Roses Bloom?

Knockout roses bloom from spring to late fall and have blooming cycles of about 5-6 weeks. This means you may see about 5-7 bloom cycles. Not all cycles will be heavy with blooms (plants need growing breaks too. Fertilization and the sun can help you see more bloom cycles. 

How to Perform Knock Out Roses Care

Knock Out Roses prefer at least 6 hours of sunlight each day. An annual application of slow release fertilizer will benefit rose bushes and help them grow stronger, bloom more often and for longer, and give it healthy foliage. A regular watering schedule will ensure the roses have proper moisture and don't dry out. Be sure to water at the base of the plant rather than overhead. Wetting the foliage can cause leaf spots or fungal disease. Deadheading spent flowers will encourage more blooms.

The KnockOut rose bushes can grow up to 3-5 feet tall and wide. They can be maintained to whatever size and shape is desired and respond very well to pruning. If you prefer to keep your rose bushes smaller and compact, then you can do so!

woman planting red rose

How & When to Plant KnockOut Roses That You Bought Online

The best time to plant knockout roses is in the spring or fall. Make sure there is no threat of frost or they may not last through it.

To plant KnockOut roses, Pick a sunny place to plant that will receive at least 6-8 hours of daily sun. Dig a hole slightly larger than the container the KnockOut roses come in and make sure the soil is loose and aerated. Plant the KnockOut roses in the hole and at level with the soil. Fill the hole around the roses with soil or amended soil such as our Rose Planting Mix, maintain aeration, and add mulch if you'd like. Finally, water your roses thoroughly until the base of the plant is well established. And done!

Check out the Rose Grow Guide for more information on growing and planting rose bushes.

How & When to Prune KnockOut Roses

The best time to get knock out rose pruning done is early spring. However, you can prune at any time of the year.

Pruning KnockOut rose bushes is very beneficial for the plants! Remove any dead or

close up pruning red rose

withered branches or spent flower blossoms to encourage new growth. Removing long stems will encourage bushier growth resulting in a stronger, happier plant. When Knock Out rose bush pruning, you can reduce the size of the bush by ⅓ once a year to open up the center and create a large, healthy rose bush.

Prune KnockOut roses only to the desired shape. They generally will stay small plants and only need pruning once annually to maintain their rounded form. Deadheading spent flower blossoms will encourage more bloom periods.

Can You Grow Knock Out Roses in Containers?

Knock Out Roses can absolutely grow in pots and containers! Their mature size is up to 3-5 feet tall and wide so they are the perfect small shrub to have in a container on your porch or patio.

When to Fertilize KnockOut Roses

The best time to fertilize Knock Out Roses is in early spring through summer so the flowers have plenty of nutrients to produce beautiful buds for months at a time! The best fertilizer for Knock Out rose bushes is a balanced, slow release type that will release nutrients to the plant for an extended period of time. The KnockOut roses for sale at Perfect Plants do not require any particular soils. However, if you plant your KnockOut rose bush in an area with poor soil conditions we recommend using our Rose Planting Mix to amend it.

Have a question about our Knock Out Rose bushes for sale? Contact us.


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