Small Trees for Sale Online

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20 products

Small trees are ideal for adding to your landscape to make a statement or to delineate certain outdoor areas. Large trees can overwhelm certain outdoor spaces but a small tree will be a perfect fit.

Small landscapes and tiny houses need to be landscaped with small trees that will accent the space rather than overwhelm it. Even if you have plenty of acreage and wide open spaces, small trees can be planted to create attractive boundaries for what you consider to be the yard from the rest of the acreage.

Small trees are easy to maintain and depending on the variety planted, can produce flowers that are filled with fragrance and food for the pollinators. Small fruit trees will add beauty to the landscape and provide flowers, fragrance, and food for you.

Check out some of these small trees that may be perfect for your landscape.

Yoshino Cherry Tree

This popular ornamental cherry tree is native to Japan. It will reach a mature height of 15-25 feet and a width of 15-30 feet. The tree branches have an oriental pattern and fragrant white blooms will appear in the spring. The small green leaves will turn brilliant shades of yellow for a colorful fall foliage display.

The Yoshino Cherry tree is hardy in growing zones 5-8. For the most floral production, plant the small tree in full sun and well-draining soil.

Harlequin Gloryblower

This attractive small tree will reach a mature height of 10-15 feet and the width is the same. It has large green deciduous heart-shaped leaves that have the aroma of peanut butter when touched. The leaves do not change color in the fall. However, what it lacks in fall display it more than makes up for with the spring flower production that continues until fall.

The spring flowers develop on the ends of the branches and are star-shaped and will be pink or white, depending on variety planted. The scarlet calyx remains on the branch ends after the flowers fall off the tree, followed by blue-green, metallic-looking fruit that creates an interesting fall contrast of colors.

Hardy in zones 6-7. Mulch in the fall to prevent the tree roots from freezing. Ideal for use as a specimen plant.

Witch Hazel

Fragrant yellow blooms that look like small strips of ribbon appear on the Witch Hazel tree in late winter before the leaves show up. The leaves will turn yellow in the fall and remain on the branches long after other trees have dropped their colorful foliage.

Witch Hazel will reach a  mature height of 30 feet and 15 feet wide. It can be pruned to a smaller size if desired. It’s hardy in growing zones 3-9 and is adaptable to most soil conditions. Plant in full sun and keep soil moist during the first year. Fertilize once in early spring.

These small trees make great border or specimen plants.

Weeping Peach

This ornamental tree has weeping branches that arch and are filled with attractive reddish-purple blooms in the early spring that will turn yellow in the fall. Fluffy red flowers appear in early spring before the leaves. The flowers attract a wide range of pollinators.

Small fruits will appear on the tree that attract birds but are not edible for humans.

Weeping Peach is hardy in growing zones 5-9. It will reach a mature size of 10-12 feet tall and 8-10 feet wide.

Plant this small tree in a full sun location for the most floral production. The tree is adaptable to most soil conditions and it needs to be fertilized once a year in spring.

Crepe Myrtle

This easy-care small tree is low-maintenance and drought-tolerant, just plant it and forget it. Colorful cluster of blooms that resemble crepe paper will appear on these trees in summer and last until the onset of fall. The long, slender branches are covered with small green oval leaves that will change to shades of red and yellow in the fall before dropping off the tree. Some varieties of Crepe Myrtles will develop clusters of berries in mid-summer that will remain on the tree throughout the winter and be attractive to hungry birds.

Crepe Myrtles are hardy in zones 6-9 and prefer to grow in full sun. They will reach a mature height of 20-30 feet and a width of 10-15 feet. The small tree can be pruned to the desired height during the winter when it’s dormant. Fertilize yearly in the spring.

Try growing Red Rocket, Black Diamond, or Pocomoke as a specimen or hedge row planting.

Some of the branches will grow upright and others will cascade downward for a very full appearance.

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