Buy Threadleaf Coreopsis Moonbeam Online
Loads of Buttery Blooms From This Award-Winning Perrenial
Threadleaf Coreopsis Moonbeam might be our favorite tickseed plant. The creamy yellow blooms keep on popping all summer long. Light and wispy, with green, thin, thread-like foliage, borders, and beds of ‘Moonbeam’ capture your attention. Dozens of one-inch flowers cover the perennial plant, creating a lovely yellow show.
Moonbeam Coreopsis spp. was designated a native State Wildflower of Florida in 1991 in recognition of its beauty and frequent use in the state’s highway beautification plantings. Coreopsis verticiilata Moonbeam won the 1992 Plant of the Year Award from the Perennial Plant Association, and we can see why.
Coreopsis species are great for attracting pollinators, especially butterflies and bees, to your garden. Their long blooming period provides a food source from late spring to fall. Sometimes called by the common name “tickseed,” Coreopsis has tiny seeds that look like small insects. Don’t worry; they won’t bring ticks to your yard.
Deer resistant and drought tolerant once established, ‘Moonbeam’ brings cheerful color to your garden without a lot of work. Even those without a green thumb will have an impressive display with this easy-to-care-for plant. It will continue to slowly spread and grow more extensively year after year.
Landscaping Coreopsis Moonbeam
‘Moonbeam’ is perfect for rock gardens, xeric landscaping, borders, or mass plantings. It will create a carpet of medium-height green foliage and soft yellow flowers year after year once established.
‘Moonbeam’ also does well in containers and hanging baskets, making creating a lush, full display easy. Choose plants with contrasting colors in pale blue and pink for a bright and cheery look.
Moonbeam Coreopsis Care Information
‘Moonbeam’ is hardy to USDA zones 3-9 and tolerates both heat and extreme cold quite well. Once established, this is a tough and rugged plant.
Coreopsis verticillata ‘Moonbeam’ grows best in full sun. It will tolerate partial shade in areas with hotter summers. It is at home in a bright sunny border planting or foundation screen on those hotter south and west sides of the house or garage.
‘Moonbeam’ Coreopsis will grow in most soils that are well drained and is not picky about pH levels. It will establish well in dry or rocky soils that are difficult for other plants.
Water well for the first six weeks after planting, then as needed for the rest of the first growing season. They are drought tolerant after a few months of getting settled.
If growing ‘Moonbeam’ in a container, more frequent, regular watering will be required.
Moonbeam Coreopsis Height And Width
‘Moonbeam’ has a clumping growth habit. Each plant will be 18-24 inches tall and wide. The clumps will slowly spread by rhizomes and may self-seed. Plant them 12-14 inches apart for a border or mass planting.
Coreopsis Moonbeam Pruning
To keep ‘Moonbeam’ blooming all summer long, deadhead after the first flush of flowers. If you don’t wish to deadhead individual flowers, a light shearing of the top third of the plant will encourage more vegetative growth and blooming.
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Full Sun / Partial Shade
Foliage Color
Flower Color
Mature Width
1-2 ft
Mature Height
1-2 ft
Growing Zones 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9