Why is my Agapanthus Not Flowering?
The show-stopping flowers of Agapanthus are a spectacle to look forward to every summer. The multiples of lily-shaped flowers burst out in the air like fireworks, defining the summer flower garden. When they don’t show, it is devastating.
Agapanthus is a low-maintenance plant, a garden favorite because of its easy-going nature. But, even though they don’t need much, they do require certain conditions to display their brilliant long-lasting blooms.
Agapanthus Flowering Problems
Your agapanthus might not be flowing any number of reasons including, poor watering, not enough sunlight, has a lack of nutrients within the soil, or simply too young of a plant to bloom.
Agapanthus flowering problems are actually quite common. They are known to be stubborn bloomers if not given the right environment. It isn’t just about the conditions before they flower, either. The care for Agapanthus continues after they bloom, as well. If you’re struggling with non-flowering Agapanthus, don’t fret, there is a remedy.
Let's explore how to properly care for your agapanthus so to encourage flowering.
How to Care for Agapanthus
If their location or access to the sun is changed in late summer or fall, they may not produce flowers or will produce less the following year. If they experience a drought or scorching temperatures during this critical time, it will affect their flowering.

If you must make changes to benefit them in the future, it’s ok. It just means they may not flower the following year. Be patient, give them time to adjust, and the plants will thank you with spectacular flushes of beauty.
Do Agapanthus Need Full Sun?
Since they are a South African flower, they are accustomed to lots of sunlight. Always plant Agapanthus in full sun, or a place where they will get at least six hours of sun per day. A little bit of shade is tolerable, but not preferred. If you are growing Agapanthus in sweltering climates you will need to give the plants some shade during the mid-day heat, but that is the exception to a sunny spot.Agapanthus Flowering Season?
The agapanthus flowering season is summer, but that doesn’t mean they’ll show up automatically in July. Agapanthus plants are flowering shrubs, but often they don’t bloom the first year. Instead, they are spending time and resources establishing themselves. If this is their first year, don’t panic. Let them acclimate to their location.How to Divide Agapanthus?
The Agapanthus likes some root crowding. Whether growing in a pot or the ground, light crowding is preferred. Of course, overcrowding isn’t great, so don’t neglect dividing them. Just give them more time than other plants.Only when it outgrows its garden space or it is becoming pot bound it is time to divide the plant. The first propagation shouldn’t be done for at least 4-5 years. Again, with Agapanthus, it is best to be patient.
A 12” pot will fit three small Agapanthus or one large one.
Agapanthus Water Needs
A hardy plant, outdoor Agapanthus generally doesn’t need much watering after the first year, once it’s established. This doesn’t mean that it never needs to be watered, though. During droughts or exceptionally hot, dry, weather, the plants will need watering.The best way to test if the plant is thirsty is to push your index finger into the soil. If the top few inches are dry, then the Agapanthus needs a deep watering.
In winter months, only water the plants when you see them visibly beginning to wilt.
Potted Agapanthus need regular watering, well-draining soil,
Agapanthus Fertilizer
These plants generally need at least a little bit of fertilizer. There are fertilizer mixes specially designed for Agapanthus plants. During the spring months, a twice-monthly application of fertilizer is enough. Once it begins to bloom, reduce the feeding to one time a month. Then, when it stops blooming, stop fertilizing altogether so the plant can rest.Confirm Agapanthus Zones
Not all Agapanthus are cold-hardy. Evergreen types, in particular, don’t tolerate cold weather well. These varieties are best planted in pots in cold climates. That way, they can be brought indoors during cold winter months.Deciduous types are fully hardy and don’t need any extra pampering. These varieties can be planted anywhere. If you’re unsure of which type you have, its best to keep it in a container so it can be moved if necessary.

Evergreen Agapanthus that are planted in cold zones are best dug up and moved to large pots where they can be relocated throughout the seasons as needed.
The hardiness issue is especially evident if you’ve bought your plants from a large chain store. Many of these specimens are started from seed and raised in nice, warm, Agapanthus-perfect environments. Even cold-hardy types may need time to adjust to your area’s climate if it is significantly different from where it started.
To ensure the type and variety are ones that are best in your climate, buy from a local, reputable retailer or nursery.
Agapanthus Care Over Winter
Outdoor Agapanthus need a layer of mulch applied to protect against cold. Potted non-hardy plants should be moved to a cold greenhouse, shed, or garage for the duration of winter.Don’t stress if your Agapanthus isn’t flowering. Ensure that your plants are receiving the necessary tending, and soon your garden will be alight with these stunning flowers!