Buy Gardenias for Sale Online

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The sweet smell of the South can be found in gardenia blossoms!

The evergreen foliage of these dense flowering shrubs will keep your landscape looking green even through winter. Perfect as a single specimen plant, in borders, or mass planted as a hedge, these fragrant shrubs will have bloom periods throughout spring, summer, and fall. Deadheading spent gardenia blooms will encourage new growth to show up.

The scent of amazing Gardenias bushes is very fragrant. Gardenias have a strong,  sweet perfume smell and fresh floral aroma, with hints of greenness and coconut. They have a familiar scent to them that brings the southern  summer straight to you. Pick a planting site where the exotic fragrance can be enjoyed.

What Types of Gardenias Should You Buy Online?

We proudly offer a wide selection of types of gardenias to buy online. From the more traditional Frostproof Gardenia to the August Beauty Gardenia, these fragrant white blooms are sure to turn heads when planted in your landscape.

If you are looking for something a little different... check out the Kleims Hardy Gardenia for the same, tantalizing scent but with flatter, wider flower blossoms. The dwarf Radican Gardenia can also provide the same look of a gardenia plant but with a smaller, denser size. It only gets up to 2-3 feet tall and wide. Perfect for small spaces!

Each variety of gardenia has a different bloom time. Gardenias can bloom from late spring until fall and each bloom can last several weeks, providing you with the scent of amazing gardenias.  To increase blooms you should be deadheading gardenias once the flowers have died.

Check out the Gardenia Grow Guide for information on choosing, planting, and growing your gardenia plants.

How to Care for a Gardenia Shrub That You Bought Online

Growing gardenias is easy and will give your yard a heavenly scent. To care for your newly planted gardenia you will want to make sure that you keep the soil moist, but not soggy. They don't like wet feet!

Plant these gardenia shrubs across the United States in USDA growing zones 7-10. Check your zones before purchasing because some plant hardiness zones will vary. They are more adaptable in the southern states but some varieties can handle some cold hardiness.

Once you have the best gardenia for your area you’ll need to know the gardenias growing conditions.

You will also need to make sure that your gardenia is getting the proper amount of light of at least 4-6 hours daily. Lastly, you will need to take extra precautions for gardenia care in winter. When preparing your plant for winter, provide a two-inch layer base of mulch to keep the roots warm and cover if the weather is colder than normal. 

How to Care for Gardenias in Pots

A gardenia potted plant will need to have well-draining soil, the container must also have a drainage hole and you will want to provide a layer of mulch at the base of the plant. For potted gardenia care, you will need to change the top soil yearly and the entire soil biannually. Gardenias like soil that is rich in nutrients to provide the blooms with what they need to bud and flower.

What Fertilizer for Gardenias is Best?

When fertilizing a gardenia, it is best to use an all purpose fertilizer or natural fertilizer such as compost. Gardenia plant food additions such as coffee grounds can possibly help acidify the soil. 

Check out our Liquid Fertilizer for Gardenias for an all purpose liquid blend to magnify blooms and glossy foliage.

How Much Sun Do Gardenias Need?

Gardenia bushes prefer full sun to partial shade and can benefit from having some of both if you live in a warmer area with hot afternoon sun. Gardenias need 4-8 hours of sunlight to thrive.

A planting site with morning sun and afternoon shade is best to protect the gardenia from the blistering sun. Gardenias are very adaptable to many soil sites though so don't be discouraged. Give the gardenia plant a shot!

Check out the rest of the shrubs & hedges for other options for your garden!

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