What is Breba Crop in Fig Trees?
One of the biggest pleasures of gardening is to grow figs near your home eat fresh fruits off the fig branches. From their honey-sweet taste to the appealing growth habit, Figs trees are a cool option to grow in your space. Fig trees can produce 2 crops per year depending on the variety. The second crop is called a breba crop. Learn about breba crop in fig trees.
Breba Crop Explained

Breba crops of different fig varieties have different flavors that are not always as sweet as the main crop’s fruits. When it comes to the selection of a fig variety, be mindful of the fig cultivar as some of the fig cultivars do not develop Breba crop at all. Some cultivars that produce high-quality and good-tasting Breba crops include Marseillas, Desert King, Bordeaux, Ventura, Black Mission, Croisic, Grantham’s Royal and Kadota. You can get rich fruits from the Breba crop of Palermo Red cultivar. Some fig varieties like Celeste are known for premature fruit drop in Breba crop and you must steer clear from this variety.
Perfect Plants is proud to offer five varieties of fig trees that may or may not produce the breba crop.
Best Selling Fig Varieties

San Pedro Group of Breba Figs

Suppressing Breba Figs

- Remove Breba figs present on the branches which have a terminal bud
- It will induce dormancy in good breba branches, enabling them to flourish and bear fruit during the main crop growing season
- It is also recommended to remove main crop fruits which develop on the same branches
- Do not prune or disbud the main crop trees if you want to obtain a single main crop every year as well as maintain plant growth
Growing Breba Crops
If you want to get a considerable breba crop growth and enjoy fresh figs during the off-season, you must choose a good-quality breba fig cultivar and follow some suitable growing practices.- You can grow the young trees in bark mulch which is mixed with small amounts of compost or peat moss.
- Add recommended amounts of garden lime and fertilizer in fig pots
- Store the fig containers in your cold garage, away from sunlight during winter.