Deer Resistant Shrubs for Sale Online

144 products

144 products

Buy Plants You Can Keep with Our Collection of Deer-Resistant Shrubs

Deer are graceful (although clumsy) animals that many people like to watch, but they can be a nuisance in your garden since they like to graze on plants. Deer live in most parts of North America, making it difficult for many people to grow gardens that are free of these huge pests. Fortunately, there are deer-resistant plants that will help keep the deer at bay.

What makes a shrub deer-resistant? It could be for a variety of reasons. Some plants are toxic to deer and the deer know to stay away, while others have fragrances that deer can’t stand. Find a flowering shrub you like and use them as accent plants or borders around your gardens and flower beds as a deer barrier.

At Perfect Plants, we offer over 100 varieties of deer-resistant plants and shrubs. With so many to choose from, there’s sure to be something that will suit your USDA zone and style. 

Deer-Resistant Shrubs Care Overview

Our extensive collection of deer-resistant shrubs has various plants with different care requirements. To make sure you pick the right plant for your garden, assess the area to determine what kind of plant you need. If the area receives sunlight for at least six hours, you’ll need something that prefers or tolerates full sun. 

You’ll also need to consider how much water you can give your garden. You may need a drought-tolerant option if you live in a dry area and can’t water your garden often.

You’ll need a plant that likes water if your garden receives a lot of rain or if water puddles in your flower beds frequently. More importantly, try not to plant deer-resistant plants next to one another if one prefers dryness and the other prefers frequent watering.

Our collection is full of bright colors and lush foliage, and we’re certain you’ll find something that will suit your garden perfectly! You can sort the deer-resistant plants by zone, sunlight needs, size, and color to find precisely what you’re looking for.

How to Plant Deer-Resistant Shrubs You Bought Online

Planting instructions may vary from plant to plant, but most deer-resistant shrubs should be planted in a hole twice the width of the root ball. Make sure the depth of the hole is the same height as the root ball since most plants don’t respond well to being planted too deeply.

If you plan to create deer-resistant hedges, you’ll want to place each plant close enough not to leave any openings, but not so close that they impede each other's growth.

Water your new transplants regularly while they’re getting established in your garden. It usually takes one year for a plant to acclimate to its new climate and develop a robust root system. Drought-tolerant plants won’t need to be watered as frequently in the following years.

Mature Heights and Zoning

Ornamental grasses, ground cover shrubs, dwarf shrubs, and some flowering bushes such as Hydrangeas reach up to 3 feet tall. Mid-range shrubs grow to be from 4 to 8 feet tall and include plants like evergreen shrubs, Azaleas, Yucca, and grasses. Tall plants that reach up to 15 feet include compact shrubs that grow vertically, such as the Sky Pencil Holly.

Our collection has deer-resistant shrubs for every growing zone. The Blue Rug Juniper Shrub is an excellent ground cover that can thrive in cool zones down to zone 3. For the moderate zones 5-8, the Blue Princess Holly Shrub is an attractive evergreen choice that will keep your garden green all year long. The Autumn Fire Encore Azalea Shrub thrives in warm, shady areas up to zone 10.

Many of our deer-resistant plants can tolerate multiple zones, so be sure to look at the growing requirements for the specific plants you’re interested in.

How to Water Deer-Resistant Shrubs You Bought Online

Most deer-resistant shrubs must be watered when the top few inches of soil are dry. Water them at the base of the plant and water them deeply so the water can get deep in the ground to promote deep root growth. 

Drought-tolerant shrubs can be allowed to dry out completely before they need to be watered again. Plants that require more water should always have moist soil, requiring more frequent watering. Try not to plant water-loving and drought-tolerant shrubs close together, or it won’t be easy to keep them happy.

How to Fertilize Deer-Resistant Shrubs You Bought Online

Give your shrubs an all-purpose slow-release fertilizer at the root ball yearly to promote new growth. Applying it in early spring is usually the best time to apply it for most plants. Using a slow-release fertilizer will allow the plant to be fed all year long without you needing to apply more later in the year.

How to Prune Deer-Resistant Shrubs You Bought Online

Pruning requirements will vary for each plant, but it’s usually best to prune plants in early spring before new growth appears. Waiting too long to prune could result in removing new buds and having fewer flowers later in the season.

When you prune, you can remove diseased or dead branches. You can also prune branches that are too long and affect the overall shape of your deer-resistant plant.

Are Boxwood Shrubs Deer-Resistant?

Boxwoods are some of the most popular types of deer-resistant shrubs. Boxwood shrubs can be grown as standalone plants or in a group to form hedges. Plus, aside from light watering and mulching, these deer resistant plants are relatively low maintenance.

Check out the Japanese Boxwood Shrub for a popular deer resistant specimen.

Are Holly Shrubs Deer-Resistant?

Holly shrubs are another popular variety of deer-resistant shrubs. Some types of holly shrubs can grow up to 6 feet tall, creating a beautiful, natural wall to deter deer and other grazing animals. We love the Steeds Holly Shrub for this!

With so many choices of deer-resistant shrubs, we’re confident that you’ll find something that protects your plants while bringing beauty to your property.

Contact us with any questions about our deer-resistant shrubs for sale. Be sure to check out the full shrubs & hedges collection for more options. 

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