Fast Growing Fruit Trees for Sale Online

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Shop Our Selection of Fast Growing Fruit Trees for Sale!

"To plant trees is to give body and life to one’s dreams of a better world."–Russell Page

Planting any tree is an act of faith for the future. But who wouldn’t like to see quicker results when planting fruit trees? 

Before we can pick a ‘fast-growing’ fruit tree, we need to decide what measure we are using to determine how quickly the tree grows or how many years until it produces fruit? 

How Long Does it Take Fast Growing Fruit Trees Bought Online to Produce Fruit?

When selecting fruit trees, perhaps the most significant factor in the time to fruit production is whether the tree is a dwarf fruit tree, semi-dwarf fruit tree, or standard fruit tree. Since most trees sold by growers are grafted fruit trees, they will produce fruit much faster than trees grown from seed.

Dwarf fruit trees commonly bear fruit in 1-3 years after planting, and semi-dwarf fruit trees in 4-6 years. Standard-sized trees typically require 5-10 years to begin fruit production. 

So for the shortest time to fruit production, dwarf trees are the winner. Keep in mind that while they may bear fruit the year after planting, or sometimes even the first year, those fruits should be removed and not allowed to grow. 

Your new trees need to focus energy on expanding their root system and growing, not putting all their energy into a few tiny apples or peaches. 

Removing the fruit for the first two years will result in a healthier and more vigorous tree with better quality and higher quantity of fruit in the future.  

What Are The Best Fast Growing Fruit Trees?

Looking for a few suggestions? Try these quick-growing fruit trees. 

Fast-Growing Fruit Trees in Pots

Some trees, like citrus, peaches, or fig trees, are excellent container fruit tree choices. Like any container plant, a fruit tree in a container will require more care–more frequent watering, fertilizer application, and repotting with fresh soil–than a tree grown in the ground. 

If you need to move the tree and pot inside for the winter, consider how and where you will move a container that may weigh well over a hundred pounds. 

Shop the best fast growing fruit trees for sale today!

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